Sunday, December 29, 2019

Essay on Biography of Johann Elert Bode - 564 Words

Johann Elert Bode was born in Hamburg, Germany on January 19, 1747. His father was a merchant and his mother stayed at home with him and his eight younger brothers and sisters. Bode never went to formal school, but his father was determined to teach him how to be a great merchant. However, Bode didn’t want to become a merchant. He was very interested in mathematics, geography, and astrology. He decided to go against what his father was teaching him and pursue a career in Astrology instead. When Bode was a child he had a nasty eye infection that caused him to lose most of his sight in his right eye. This didn’t keep him from his studies or his astrological findings. When Bode was 18 his father died of a serious illness. After this†¦show more content†¦Uranus was later found and its number is 19. Bode’s law can not, however, accurately give the correct answer for Neptune and Pluto. While Bode’s name is in the name of the law he was not the person w ho created it. He was only the person who popularized it. Johann Daniel Titius was actually the first person to first announce it. Bode had written about it in one of his studies but he had not credited Titius for his works, so people just assumed that it was Bode’s findings. Bode later gave Titius the credit he deserved, hence the second name of the law, Bode-Titius Law. Bode has many other contributions to astronomy. He found, in total, four different celestial bodies and â€Å"rediscovered† three others. He discovered M81, a spiral galaxy in Ursa Major; M82, an irregular galaxy also in Ursa Major; M53, a globular cluster in Coma Berenices; M92, another globular cluster, in Hercules; M64, a spiral galaxy in Coma Berenices, this one was discovered by Edward Pigott then Bode rediscovered it 12 days later; M48, an open cluster in Hydra, discovered by Charles Messier; and IC4665, an open open cluster in Ophiuchus, discovered by De Cheseaux. Also, in 1776 Bode created his version of the theory of the solar constitution. Later in 1795, Sir William Herschel created his theory of the theory of the solar constitution by tweaking Bode’s version to fit his beliefs. Bode is the man whom came up with the planet name â€Å"Uranus† and it has been called that ever since. Bode had many

Saturday, December 21, 2019

First President Essay - 1991 Words

Suppose, halfway through the Bush presidency if Laura were to pass away, leaving George to start seeing another woman only 5 months later. Or if Obama tried running for president as a bachelor. Or if Trump†¦ lets not even go there. In all seriousness, instances like these would never happen in the modern political environment, but earlier in American history, three events occurred that caused the president to marry during his presidency. The marriage of John and Julia Tyler, Grover and Frances Cleveland, and Woodrow and Edith Wilson are the only cases of presidents who have wed during their time in office. In todays political climate, it is rare for a candidate to attempt to run for the presidency without a potential first spouse running†¦show more content†¦He seemed to fill the place and to be more agreeable in every way than any young man ever was or could be.† Plans for a secret wedding were underway, and on June 26, 1844 John and Julia Tyler wed at Church of the Ascension in New York. Only her immediate family, Tyler’s son and a few close friends attended the wedding, since the family was still morning her father’s death. The first glace of the newlyweds was upon leaving the church in a carriage drawn by white horses. Americas Response The Tyler’s received mixed responses regarding their marriage. Views from family members, other political leaders, the media and the American people as a whole, proved to be opinionated on the marriage. Julia Tyler also played a role in how she was perceived in the media. As the Tyler’s traveled from New York, to their honeymoon location in Virginia crowds gathered to catch a glimpse of the First Couple. Julia Tyler wrote to her mother, â€Å"Wherever we stopped, wherever we went, crowds of people outstripping one another came to gaze at the President’s bride.† She described peoples’ reaction of the secret wedding as, â€Å"the tongue and admiration of everyone. Everyone says it was the best managed thing they ever heard of.† According to these accounts, the American people were excited to witness the first marriage that occurred during a presidency. Julia Tyler intended to keep the positiveShow MoreRelated Americas First Bl ack President Essay1163 Words   |  5 Pages For many years, American Presidents were viewed as being white and powerful leaders. Why were they only white? Is it because Americans felt Blacks were not smart enough to run a country on their own? 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Cask Of Amontillado Essay Free Essays

When the tunnels come to a dead end, Mentors chains Fortunate and buries him in the e catacombs. The literary elements of foreshadowing, symbolism, and irony help to create a tale of horror or found in the short story â€Å"The Cask of Amontillado† written by Edgar Allan Poe. To build suspense in the story, Poe often employs foreshadowing. We will write a custom essay sample on Cask Of Amontillado Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now For example e, when Fortunate says, â€Å"l shall not die of a cough (Poe 66). Mentors replies, mat rue [.. J† (Poe 66), because he knows that Fortunate will in fact die from dehydration and starve ion in the crypt. He reshow’s future events by employing the topic of death into the conversant ion. On the other hand, Mentor’s description of his family’s coat of arms also symbolizes future eve ants. The shield features a human foot crushing a tenacious serpent. In this image, the foot represents Mentors and the serpent represents Fortunate. Although Fortunate has hurt Mentors with biting inns Its, Mentors will ultimately crush him. The conversation about Masons also foreshadows Forth anta’s demise. Are not of the masons. ‘ ‘Yes, yes,’ I said; yes, yes. ‘ ‘You? Impossible! A mason? ‘ ‘A m son,’ I replied. A sign,’ he said. It is this,’ answered, producing a trowel from beneath the folds of my require† (Poe 68). When he declares that he is a â€Å"mason† by showing his trowel, he means t hat he is a literal stonemason and that he constructs things out of stones and mortar, namely F rotundaâ€℠¢s grave. Pope’s use of symbolism describes each character. â€Å"The man wore motley. He had on a tight fitting predestined dress, and his head was surmounted by the conical cap an d bells. I was so pleased to see him, that thought should never have done wringing his hand† (Poe 63). His face covered in a lack silk mask, Mentors symbolizes hidden things. In this case, the mask sys embolisms Mentor’s hidden thoughts to kill Fortunate. On the other hand, Fortunate dons the mot electrode costume of the court fool, who gets literally and tragically fooled by Mentor’s masked mot eves. The color schemes here represent the irony of Fortune’s death sentence. Using symbolism such h as the setting of the dark and dank catacombs, Poe uses the gloomy environment to symbolize death a ND horrible things to come. We came at length to the foot of the descent, and stood together on the dam p ground of the catacombs f the Mentors† (Poe 66). The bones in the catacomb symbolizes that Forth NATO would soon be one of them. Using irony, Poe further uses literary elements to create a tale Of horror. Using g dramatic irony, Poe reveals the path of death that Fortunate is heading to. Fortunate is head Eng towards death but ironically does not even question the suspicious Mentors until the last mom .NET. â€Å"It must be understood that neither by word nor deed had I given Fortunate cause to duo bat my good will. Continued, as was my wont, to smile in his face, and he did not perceive that my smile now was at the Hough of his immolation† (Poe 63). Fortunate doesn’t know what will happen to himself but both the audience and Mentors knows that the story’ will end with Fortune’s death. Another example Of irony is the situation irony of Fortune’s name. â€Å"He had a weak point-?this Of rotunda-?although in other regards he was a man to be respected and even feared. He prided him elf on his connoisseurship in wine† (Poe 63). Fortunate, Italian for â€Å"the fortunate one,† ironically means t he exact opposite in this story, representing situational irony. Instead of the fortunate one, Fortunate comes the unfortunate one, dying from the hands of Mentors. How to cite Cask Of Amontillado Essay, Essays

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Socioeconomic Factors and Sedentary Lifestyle †MyAssignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about the Socioeconomic Factors and Sedentary Lifestyle. Answer: Introduction: Relationship between socioeconomic status (SES), sedentary lifestyles and obesity among Australian adolescents. Sedentary lifestyle is too much sitting and failure to undertake any physical activities management. The most common types of sedentary lifestyles in adolescents are TV viewing, game-console use, and computer use (Owen, Healy, GN, Matthews, Dunstan, 2010). Adolescents from high SES have high chances of embracing sedentary lifestyle; however, they have access to good diet and health education, which might reduce the incidence of obesity. Contrarily, adolescents from low SES have low chances living sedentary lifestyles; however, they lack access to good nutrition and health education, which might increase the occurrence of obesity. The prevalence of obesity and association with SES is already characterised. Thus, the research seeks to identify the relationship between SES and obesity and sedentary lifestyles such as sleeping, computer use and TV viewing (Konevic, Martinovic, Djonovic, 2015). Obesity is significant burden in Australian health care system and one of the NHPAs (Australian Institute of Health management and Welfare [AIHW], 2016). Approximately 20 to 25 percent of adolescents in Australia are obese or overweight. In 2007-2008, about one-quarter of adolescents aged 5 to 17 years were overweight or obese. This finding indicates that there was a 4% increase in the number of obese adolescents from 1995 (Australia Bureau of Statistics, 2009). Based on this finding, the prevalence of obesity is increasing significantly. A recent study found that adolescents living in economically disadvantaged areas had a higher risk of being obese than adolescents living in affluent areas. The risk of being overweight f or adolescents from low SES was 20% while that of children from high SES was 14% (Australia Bureau of Statistics, 2009). Aims and research questions The primary aim of this project is to investigate how obesity in adolescents relates to SES and sedentary lifestyles. The objective will narrow down to investigate whether sedentary lifestyles and economic status influence the occurrence of obesity in adolescents. Besides, it will investigate the extent to which sedentary lifestyle that can lead to obesity at adolescence stage. This goal has been adopted because lack of physical activity is linked to overweight or obesity (Sigmundov, Sigmund, Hamrik, Kalman, 2013). Does spending a substantial amount of time in sedentary states for adolescents from low SES result in obesity? Do adolescents from high SES, who spend a substantial amount of time in sedentary states, have equal risk of being obese as those from low SES? What is the ongoing influence of SES on sedentary lifestyles and how does it influence the occurrence of obesity in adolescents? Pursuing this topic is important since it will contribute to the expanding body of research on the prevalence of obesity among adolescents. Specifically, the project will introduce the concept of sedentary lifestyles and SES in the development of adolescent obesity, which has not been studied before. The project will be beneficial since it will expound on the relationship between social factors and obesity. It will explain why obesity and its burdens are increasing among adolescents in Australia. Adolescents aged between 15 and 24 years have been found to have gallbladder diseases, asthma and cancers linked to obesity (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare [AIHW], 2017). Besides, it has been found that if the current trends prevail, the incidence of obesity among young adults will grow by 14 percent in 2020 (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare [AIHW], 2017). The key positive element management of this project is that it can inform on the creation of a health policy or hea lthcare intervention to address obesity in adolescents and prevent adverse health outcomes. References Australia Bureau of Statistics. (2009). Children who are overweight or obese. Retrieved 9 30, 2017, from$File/41020_childhoodobesity.pdf Australian Institute of Health and Welfare [AIHW]. (2017). Impact of overweight and obesity as a risk factor for chronic conditions: Australian Burden of Disease Study. Canberra: AIHW. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare [AIHW]. (2016). National Health Priority Areas. Retrieved 9 30, 2017, from Canberra: AIHW: Konevic, S., Martinovic, J., Djonovic, N. (2015). Association of Socioeconomic Factors and Sedentary Lifestyle in Belgrades Suburb, Working Class Community. Iranian journal of public health , 44 (8), 1053-1060. Sigmundov, D., Sigmund, E., Hamrik, Z., Kalman, M. (2013). Trends of overweight and obesity, physical activity and sedentary behaviour in Czech schoolchildren: HBSC study. The European Journal of Public Health , 24 (2), 210-215.