Wednesday, July 31, 2019

The Pros and Cons of Using E-Tendering in Singapore

THE PROS AND CONS OF USING E-TENDERING IN SINGAPORE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY First names YAP Last name YEE THARM Abstract: E-tendering is a relatively new and modern technique of tending system. The transaction can be done from business-to-business, business-to-consumer or Business-to-government buy and sale of goods, works and services through the Internet or other networking systems. This paper examines the pros and cons of using E-tendering in the Singapore Construction Industry and the future trend of E-tendering in Singapore.Although E- tendering has been used by the various Singapore Government departments for many years on their procurement of materials and services for local and global with great success, however the private sector in Singapore is still slow in using it as a tendering system. As e-tendering is recognized as a state-of-the-art for procurement which is proven to be efficient by the local Government and other advanced countries (eg. US, UK, China, Hong Kong, Canada etc. ), however the low usage by the private section in Singapore shows that there must be some limitation or disadvantages in using it.May be there are some problems on software and the user not competent to use it for this purpose. Or maybe in Singapore there is a need for the government or a private company to lead and provide a national wide scale of centralizes e-tendering system to cater for all the private tenders in Singapore Construction Industry. Whatever it is, the advantages of E-tendering are far exceeding the disadvantages and it has shown greater potential in the improvement of efficiency to replace the traditional tendering system.Therefore a study to look into the pros and cons of this tendering system is worth the effect. As eventually E-tendering has great potential in increasing efficiency in construction sector in Singapore-tendering by cutting down the-tendering cost and time and reduce the bureaucratic processes in the traditional tendering process. Keywords: E-tender, Singapore’s GeBIZ, E Submission, Information Systems, Pros and cons, Cloud computer, construction. 1. 0 Introduction The use of computer technologies in the world today has revolutionized the processes in the construction industry.The construction industry in Singapore has also faced the same radical and speedy changes in the use of Information Technology (IT) in almost every part of the process of the construction (from pre-tender estimating, tendering, and construction to post tender analysis). Procurement and tendering are an important function for every organisation including construction industry. It is a vital and important activity for a company to gain profit and continue to survive. Especially in Construction Industry, every job is on contract basis, construction company need to secure jobs through tender in order to continue its business.The traditional tendering practices used by Construction Company are largely traditional and involve managing papers or using email to send and receive documents, addenda, correspondence, bid submissions and award notices. With the introduction of submission of tender electronically, time and effort has been shorten tremendously. Other part of the world however electronic tendering has been getting popular over the past few years and is now being commonly used in the United Kingdom, Australia, New South Wales, India, Hong Kong, United States and in China. (The PRC China has been using e-tender for more than 10 years.This year China is celebrating the 10th anniversary of E- procurement rule, their website is www. ccgp. gov. cn). Singapore is a developed country with very good coverage of wireless network and fibre optic cable. The use of computer is very much the common practice of government department and private company. However the use of e-tendering so far in Singapore has been limited to government department procurement. For private construction industry the usage of e-tendering is still limit ed. This paper explore into the pros and cons of using e-tendering in Singapore construction industry and its future development. . 0E-Tendering in the Singapore Construction Industry †¢ E- Tendering in Singapore Private construction: The government department of Singapore has been using E-tendering for more than 10 years, the Singapore Economy Development has also been giving incentive to encourage developers and contractors who are keen in using IT for their business. However up to today the private construction sector in Singapore is still limited in usage of E-tendering. Many Developers and Contractors in Singapore are still finding it more comfortable to use traditional tendering system. †¢ E- Tendering in Singapore Government:The e-tendering used by the government of Singapore is called GeBiz, which come from the word Government Bidding. The GeBIZ, or the Government E tendering, was set up in June 2000. The main objective of this system is to simplify government proc urement and tender activities. It was part of the programme for businesses under the e-Government Action Plan (2000–2003) in Singapore. GeBIZ is a one-stop centre for suppliers to have access to all procurement opportunities in the public sector and to trade electronically with the government departments. The Singapore government E-tender website address is at http://www. ebiz. gov. sg/. Now 100% of the Singapore government Tenders or Quotations are using GeBIZ as a platform for procurement for good and services. As of today, Infocomm Technology (ICT) has become a major part of the Singapore public sector's DNA for public administration and service delivery. Due to the result of Singapore e-government efforts, Singapore has been consistently recognised as a leader in major international benchmarking studies. Our Singapore Government’s innovative efforts in using ICT have also gained local and worldwide recognition and awards.More importantly, the citizens and businesse s have embraced in e-government service. In 2010, almost 9 out of 10 of Singapore citizens and businesses expressed satisfaction with the overall quality of government e-services. (http://www. egov. gov. sg/about-egov-introduction) The process of using Singapore’s GeBIZ: Company who wishes to tender for government job need first to apply as a member of Singapore’s GeBIZ. Upon approved as a member, a password for log in to GeBIZ is given to the company. There are two categories of E-tendering in the GeBIZ. Tender – Goods or services estimated to be valued above $7,000 Singapore dollar. †¢ Quotation – Goods or service estimated be valued below $7,000 Singapore dollar. Once a member log on the GeBIZ, the searching for specific notice can be done by indicating the search condition as shown below by clicking on the â€Å"GO† button. [pic] Figure 1 – searching for a tender (source from http://www. gebiz. gov. sg/. ) For viewing of the details of the-tender and quotation notice, simply click on the â€Å"GO’ button of the screen below. [pic] Figure 2 – viewing of posted tender or quotation. source from http://www. gebiz. gov. sg/. ) The constractor can download or view directly the drawings and specifications posted in the GeBIZ to estimate the-tender price. Tender price can then be submitted to the website electronically. Once the-tender is closed, the-tender will be evaluated by the relevant governmant authority (who post the tender) and the result of the-tender will be announced on the GeBIZ for public information. Hardware and Software requirement for GeBIZ tendering in Singapore. The following are the required hardware and software for a contractor to use the Singapore GeBIZ.In order to use the Singapore Government e-tendering GeBiz, A contractor needs to have a computer meet the following recommended system requirement. The computers which do not meet these requirements might not be compatible and un able to use the system for tender. Hardware – Computer must have a minimum 500MHz processor or higher with a hard disc at least 64 MB RAM, the internet connection to be minimum 256kbps or higher. Software – Computer with a Windows Operating System consist of Windows 2000, Windows XP or Window 7. As for Internet Browser, having a Internet Explorer 6. , 7. x, 8. x and 9. 0 will be enough. 2. 1How E-Tendering works E-tendering is an electronic tendering solution to facilitate the complete-tendering process from the advertising of the requirement through to the signing of the contract. This includes the exchange of all relevant documents (drawing, specifications etc) in electronic soft copy format. In other words E-tendering is a process of carrying out entire-tendering Cycle Online including submission of Price Bid in such that Efficiency, Economy, Speed of Internet can be achieved without the use of paper form of hardcopy.It also eliminates the need to transfer of docume nts between the Client and bidders. E-tendering Cycle can be broken in key modules as the figure below: Figure 3 – The E- tendering cycle 2. 2Traditional Tendering System vs. E tendering The advantages of traditional tendering compare to E-tendering System can be summarised as below: Traditional Tendering System †¢ Longer Procurement Cycle More time needed to print tender documents for all the contractors requesting for tendering. A normal construction tender using traditional tendering system can take up to 2 to 4 months for a cycle. †¢ More ExpensiveThe printing of tender documents such as drawings and specifications are costly and a lot of money is spent for plants and labour for transportation of the documents. †¢ Paper Based Procurement Traditional tendering basically is paper based procurement, documents such as drawings, specifications and forms are printed on paper, which is not environmentally friendly. †¢ Restricted Mobility Paper based tender do cument is not mobile and inconvenient to bring it along for reading and estimation. These documents also require large storage space and it is labour intensive to handle. †¢ Can’t do work on HolidaysThe-tender documents are usually placed at the office and the working hour for office is usually 9am to 5pm. No work can be done after these hours and during weekend and public holidays. †¢ Prone to Human errors Paper documents are prone to human errors, as missing of pages or printing errors. Blur print due to low ink or no ink for some pages can happen. †¢ Content not sharable Tendering documents such as specifications are usually A4 size and can only viewed by a person alone, unlike e-tender document which can be projected to a big screen and shared by as many people as possible for group discussion and meeting. †¢ Physical SecurityTender documents stored in the office especially those documents which have sensitive cost information, e. g. Filled up Bill of Quantity. These documents can pose a business security threats as they are valuable to the competitive contractors. †¢ Wastage of space to store bids Unlike e-tender the documents, the document for traditional tenering need physical space for storage. E – Tendering System †¢ Shorter Procurement Cycle E – Tendering system is computer based; the cycle is much shorter as compare to traditional tendering system. One major saving of time comes from the cutting down of transporting of documents. Economical Due to the fact that hard copies of the documents are expensive, it is very much economical to store and use the soft copies in the computer and website. The cost of using the computer and software are quite fixed. †¢ Environmentally Friendly As compare to traditional tendering system, E-tender consumes almost no paper. Hence it is very environmentally friendly. †¢ Anytime – Anywhere Bidding E-tendering can be conducted any time anywhere i. e. 24 hours a day, 360 days a year and globally anywhere as long as there is Internet connection. †¢ Bidding is possible on HolidaysBidding is possible even during weekend or Public Holiday, as long as before the tender is closed. †¢ Automated & Accurate process As e-tender is automatically carried out by the computer, hence it minimized the human. The process will be accurate and almost instantly done. †¢ Shareable Content The content for E-tender documents is easily shareable among the company staff, as long as they have a computer or laptop and a given a password. The content also easily shared in a group meeting with a projector, which is a conducive environment for group discussion. †¢ Fool-proof SecuritySecurity for the documents is fool-proofed as only authorized people with the password can access to the virtue documents. †¢ Lifelong storage on CD Document stored in the CD or hardisk for e-tender can last for eternity (provided that the CD and hardisk wil l last as long) as compare to paper documents. It is also easy retrievable. †¢ One click access to bids When all the calculation for the-tender sum is done, it is only one click away from bidding. 2. 3Pros and cons to call for e-tenders. Pros to the Suppliers/Contractors †¢ Anytime & Anywhere Bidding Due to the development of wireless communication, E-tendering is globalized.Everywhere in the world as long as you are connected in the website, bidding is possible. †¢ Fair, Free and Fearless participation for vendors. As all vendors registered are treated as equal, the competition is fair, free and no barrier. †¢ No dependence on Newspaper, Courier. All posting is website base, hence the publicity does not require Newspaper or Courier service. †¢ No Administrative hassle The administrative is very much simple and simplified as all documents can be view through the computer screen. †¢ Can carry out all tendering process from any computer E-tendering is web based.Hence any computer, laptop or even I phone can do the job. †¢ Economical Saving on traveling cost is tremendous. As the link between the Client and contractor is through internet, it minimizes the physical travelling. †¢ Reduces efforts & cost of bidding The efforts for each individual staff and the manpower required for preparation of tender is reduced, hence the over cost of bidding is less. †¢ No tenders can be missed because of distance The bosses of the client or contractor may be travelling overseas, but they can access to the E-tender website anytime anywhere in the world. Miss viewing of the tender has become the past. Can submit bid at last minute The closing of E-tender is link to the time. As no travelling is needed to the client’s office to submit a tender, contractor can always clip the submit on the last minute/second. Pros to the-tendering Authorities/Clients †¢ Completely Automated Process The E-tender process in clients’ comp uters are all automated, the list of bidding contractors is sorted out in the ascending order from lowest price to the highest. †¢ Shortens Procurement Cycle Most of the clients hope that the procurement cycle be short, the E-tendering is best able to achieve this requirement. Economical and Environment Friendly As E-tender system required minimum paper, all information is stored in the computer for processing and retrieving. A computer can be used for 3 to 5 years, as for traditional tendering documents it is disposed once it is used. †¢ Greater Transparency The E-tendering website is open to all the authorized and registered members; hence all of them are able to see the data posted in the website with great transparency. †¢ Improvement in work culture in the departments It create a more friendly and conducive working culture in the departments, as less miscommunication between staff occur. System aided Evaluation process After the closed of tender, the E-tender sys tem will automatically aid in evaluating the most suitable tender. It cut down the time for evaluation. †¢ Minimize Human errors Most of the process is carry out in the computer, hence minimize human errors. †¢ Minimal Storage Space A computer is all you need for storage of all the tendering document. Printing out of hard copy is only needs required. †¢ Change in Perception The perception of a company will be changed as E-tendering is implemented for a Client. It will become a more progressive and proactive organization. Lesser hassle of communication and administration Communication between client and contractor, among staff will be much easier through computer and administration will have lesser hassle. The cons or disadvantages of using e tender †¢ Cost The initial cost to set up the computer system can be quite costly. As E-tender required the purchase of expensive hardware and the necessary software. †¢ Staff The company need to employ staff competence in the use of e-tendering system or train up their existing staff to use the e-tendering system.Security of the e-tendering system – An effective and secure e-tendering system needs to make sure that any communication that passes through the system is secure and safe. As all the data are passing through the open networks such as the internet. Care must be taken to ensure that all the information passed between tenderers and the Client be treated as confidential. The major risks are that confidential information transmitted over opened networks may be exposed to or altered by malicious parties. There is also the risk of malicious parties generating false messages, impersonating other parties or denying that messages have been emailed. . How to overcome these limitations †¢ Cost Construction Company can get a loan from bank to purchase the e-tendering system, through the saving of the e-tendering process; soon the cost would be recovered. †¢ Staff Company can directly employ e-tender system competence staff to from the employment market; alternatively can send their staff to be trained to use the system. Security – One of the major problems of e-tendering is to prevent the unauthorised usage of the e-tender account. The following are a few new computer technologies in the market which are capable of overcoming these problems. †¢ BiometricsBiometric verification of two authorized users can be used in for tender opening process. This method is using finger print of any two authorized individual; the web page will not be able to open if two fingers print doesn’t match. This appliance also helps to establish that user remains physically present when Tender opens. [pic] Figure 4. – Biometrics appliance †¢ Role Base Access This will only allow access to website on the basis of rights allocated to an authorised User or Group of Users. This ensure that Tampering by unauthorized person become not possible. The existing Orga nization hierarchy also can be mapped into the system. pic] Figure 5. – Role Base Access appliance †¢ Time Based Access The system ensures that no activity can be carried out before due date & Time for e. g. Tender cannot be opened even by authorized User before due date. Server Time cannot be tampered as it is mapped to National Standard Time Server. [pic] Figure 6 – Time Based Access Security System With all these security tools in place to ensure security of the website, the usage of e-tendering is getting more and more secure nowadays. 5. Scope of future of e-tendering – Cloud computing The future e-tender is by using Cloud computing. Just what is clouding computer?It is not sitting among the cloud to do the job, it is instead of using our own server to store data, cloud computing is using cloud server for storage of data and retrieving from them. The focus is on the website and not the computer hardware. When the data is needed for large processing, it can be scale up as much as one can instantly and once work done it is released back to the cloud. The working principle is like using the computer power from the cloud instead of using the company’s own computer hardware. It is just like payment for paying for electricity and gas instead of having our own generator and having a large gas storage tank.Cloud computer is also like hiring a car to travel instead of buying a car. The advantages of using cloud can be listed as below: †¢ Scalability – Glow and shrink as and when you wanted. †¢ Instant – It can be turn on and off anytime any place you like. †¢ Economical – Pay for the time you use and there is no need for the hardware and it is time saving. In other words it is pay as you use [pic]Figure 7. – Cloud computing system (Source from Google cloud computing image) 2. 6 Types of Cloud computing There are three types of cloud computing in the market: namelyInfrastructure as a servic e (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS), it has his advantages and disadvantages. †¢ SAAS-Software as a server – Each offers a different level of user flexibility and control. Saas allows users to run existing online applications. It is the easiest way of using, where off-the-shelf applications are accessed over the Internet. The advantages are Free or paid via subscription, it is accessible from any computer and able to facilitates collaborative working. However its business generic applications may not always suitable for their own business use. PAAS- Platform as a server – Allows users to create their own cloud applications using supplier – specific tools and languages. It provides environment and tools for creating new online applications. Eg. Google has Google App Engine which enables a user to build and host web application on the same system, which no need to worry about hardware. Micro soft has a Window Azure Platfor m. Salesfore has a website called Force. com which can build up and host for free. The system can be rapidly development at low cost and used Private or public deployment.However it limits developers to provider languages and tools and it also have the risk of vendor lock-in. †¢ IAAS- Infrastructure as a server – Allows users to run any applications they are please on cloud hardware of their own choice. Figure 8 – The interrelationship between the Cloud Clients and the three types of cloud computing Cloud computer deployment models [pic] There are four forms of Cloud computing applications: Public cloud Public cloud applications, storage, and other resources are made available to the general public by a service provider. These services are usually free or offered on a pay-per-use model.Generally, public cloud service providers like Microsoft and Google own and operate the infrastructure and offer access only via Internet. Other means of direct connection is not po ssible. Community cloud Community cloud shares infrastructure between several organizations from a specific community with common concerns for example security, compliance, jurisdiction, etc. , whether managed internally or by a third-party and hosted internally or externally. The costs are spread over fewer users than a public cloud, but it is more than a private cloud, so only some of the cost savings potential of cloud computing are realized.Hybrid cloud Hybrid cloud is a composition of two or more clouds; it can be private, community or public. It can remain unique entities but are bound together, offering the benefits of multiple deployment models. By utilizing â€Å"hybrid cloud† architecture, companies and individuals are able to obtain some degrees of fault tolerance combined with locally immediate usability without dependency on internet connectivity. Hybrid Cloud architecture requires both on-premises resources and remote server based cloud infrastructure.The disadv antage of Hybrid clouds is that it lacks the flexibility, security and certainty of in-house applications. Hybrid cloud provides the flexibility of in house applications with the fault tolerance and scalability of cloud based services. Private cloud Private cloud is cloud infrastructure operated solely for a single organization, whether managed internally or by a third-party and hosted internally or externally. Undertaking a private cloud project requires a significant level and degree of engagement to virtualize the business environment, and it will require the organization to re-evaluate decisions about existing resources.When it is done right, it can have a positive impact on a business, but every one of the steps in the project raises security issues that must be addressed in order to avoid serious vulnerabilities. The major disadvantage is because users â€Å"still have to buy, build, and manage them† and hence do not benefit from less hands-on management essentially the economic model that makes cloud computing such an interesting concept. 3. 0 Conclusions In conclusion, this paper finds that e-tendering has many pros and cons in the system. However we can see that the pros have exceeded the cons, i. e. he advantages are far more than disadvantages. With the breakthrough in computer technology and the advancement of science, the various problems face by the user in e-tendering now will be easily overcome very soon. As the construction industry in Singapore is one of the major industries that contributed to the nation building and giving the most impact to the economy, the benefits that brought by the e-tendering will definitely benefit the Construction Industry and Singapore national economy as a whole. However new problems may also appear and these need to be overcome continuously to bring about advancement of the system.Eventually all the other industry will be able to benefit from the achievement. 4. 0 Recommendation In view of the current situ ation in Singapore construction Industry, only the government is using e-tendering in a wide spread scale. I would like to recommend the government to initiate and set up an e-tendering system similar to the current GeBIZ system to serve the Singapore private Construction sector. The Singapore government has more than 10 years experience in the e-tendering system, they should have no problem in setting up an equal if not better e-tendering server than the Government e-tendering GeBIZ.Since setting up an e-tendering need a large initial capital investment, as a financially strong Singapore Government this should not pose any problem, moreover it will eventually benefit the economy of Singapore. In order to fully harness the benefits of e-tendering system, the main contractors must adjust and make changes to their company itself to equip with the necessary skills and resources for the e-tendering system. Contractors are recommended to train their staff to be competent in the use of e- tendering system. Companies may also engage professional consultants or experts to set up e-tendering in their company.As e-tendering has proven to be an advantage for the Main contractor to be the better competitor and increase their productivity and profits, I strongly believe that in the years to come, e-tendering will be used both by the private and government construction tendering in Singapore. 5. 0 References Bett. D. Black. P. Christensen. S. Dawson, E, Du, R. , Duncan. W. , et al. (2006). Towards secure and legal e-tendering. Journal of Information and Technology in Construction, XI. 89-102 Bourn J. (2002). Better Public Services Through e-Government. London, National Audit Office (NAO). http://www. nao. org. uk/news/0102/0102704. aspx Baldwin, A. N.Thorpe, A and Carter, C (1999). The use of electronic information exchange on Construction alliance projects. Automation in Construction. 8(6). 651-662 CRC Construction Innovation, 2006. e Tendering: Security and Legal Issues Ti ndsley G. & Stephenson P,. 2008 E-Tendering Process with Construction: UK Perspective Tsinghua Science & Technology, Bol. 13, 273-278 B. Kumar and J. C. P. Cheng (2010), Cloud Computing and its Implications for Construction IT, Computing in Civil and Building Engineering, Proceedings of International Conference. W. TIZANI (Editor). 30June – 2 July, Nottingham, UK, Nottingham University Press, Paper 158. P. 31Akintola,A. A. (2011). A survey of the State of the Art of E-tendering in Nigeria. Journal of Information Technology inConstruction, 16. 557-576. Al-Maadeed, S. (2011). Multi-evaluatins of Tenders in E-tendering System. Internatinal Conference on Technology and Business Management. 3. 201-207. Singapore government's one-stop e-procurement portal http://www. gebiz. gov. sg/. Central Government Autumn 2001 – Paper free-tendering – a 21st Century alternative – Public Service. Website http://ww. publicservice. co. uk/article. asp? publication=Central%20Go vernment (Accessed 25/06/2012) Building and Construction Authority Singapore http://www. bca. ov. sg/ ———————– 12. Tender Audit & Storage 11. Vender Registration & Rating 1. Tender Notice 10. Tender Award 2. Tender Promotion E-Tendering Cycle 9. Negotiation 3. Tender Document 8. Tender Evaluation 4. Pre Bid Meeting 5. Bid Submission 7. Tender storage & Opening 6. Payment Gateway Cloud Clients Web browser, mobile app, thin client, terminal emulator, SaaS CRM, Email, virtual desktop, communication, games, †¦ PaaS Execution runtime, database, web server, development tools, †¦ IaaS Virtual machines, servers, storage, load balancers, network, †¦ Figure 9. – The cloud computer models (Source from Google cloud computing image)

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Sense and Stylistic Analysis

Sense and stylistic analysis â€Å"The Escape† I would like to consider sense and stylistic peculiarities of the text that I have recently read. The title of the story is â€Å"The Escape†, it was written by Somerset Maugham. First of all, some facts from the author’s biography. William Somerset Maugham is one of the best known English writers of the 20th century. He was born in 1874 in Paris. He received a medical degree; however he never practised medicine, but all his life he had a great desire to write.The first novel â€Å"Liza of Lambeth† he wrote at the age of 23, but it had no success. For about 10 years he wrote manifold plays and novels and starved. But he did not give up. In 1907 he produced in London a comedy of manners â€Å"Lady Frederic† which finally brought him luck. Soon afterwards Maugham became internationally celebrated. So he became independent and began to travel. He came to know Europe, the United States, China, Spain, the So uth Seas. Some of his another famous works are â€Å"Cakes and Ale†, â€Å"Moon and Sixpence†, â€Å"Ashenden†, â€Å"Don Fernando† etc.He died in 1965 at the age of 91. Now let’s return to the story â€Å"The Escape†. It relates to the relationships between men and women. The main characters of the story are the narrator, his friend Roger Charing and a woman Ruth Barlow. The plot of the story is quite simple, but interesting at the same time. At the beginning of the text the narrator proposes a thesis that â€Å"if a woman once made up her mind to marry a man nothing but instant flight could save him†. But he says that not every man could manage to escape.And here the narrator tells us a short story, settled in one complex sentence, which has something in common with the following and the main story of the text. One narrator’s friend, having realized that a woman wanted to merry him, decided for a flight. He took ship. The aut hor uses here parenthesis â€Å"with a toothbrush for all his luggage, so conscious was he of his danger and the necessity for immediate action† in order to emphasize that a man was ready for everything to escape this marriage.Then he spent a year travelling around the world, but the first person he saw when he returned was that woman he tried to flee. The irony runs through the narration, supported by such words and phrases: â€Å"instant flight†, â€Å"inevitable loom†, â€Å"menacingly†, â€Å"thinking himself safe†. So, this short story serves as the introduction to the one following below. Then the narrator says that he knew only one man who managed to extricate himself in such situation. His name was Roger Charing. He was no longer a young man, but strong and hefty, and had plenty of money.He possessed a common sense and worldy wisdom, and was prudent. But when he fell in love with Ruth Barlow, â€Å"he went down like a row of ninepins†; this simile used by the author adds to the satirical tone of the narration. Mrs. Barlow was twice a widow, and now she made up her mind to marry Roger. She was very unfortunate person, sufferings followed her; this fact is underlined in the following sentence constructed in the form of parallel construction: â€Å"If she married a husband he beat her; if she employed a broker he cheated her; if she engaged a cook she drank†.Besides, Ruth Barlow had pretty, pathetic appearance and splendid dark eyes which were always ready to fill with tears. The author uses such epithets describing her as â€Å"splendid dark eyes†, â€Å"the most moving eyes†, â€Å"poor dear†, â€Å"helpless little thing†, â€Å"lovely eyes†, â€Å"pathetic†, â€Å"unfortunate†, â€Å"rotten time†. It was not surprising that she touched the strings of Roger’s heart, and he wanted to do something for her, to protect her, to save her from the ha zards of life. And when he decided to merry her and commit such a good action, he was very proud of himself.Here we must admit that everything was not so ambiguous. At first sight we should sorry for this poor woman, be in sympathy with her, and admire Roger’s kind heart. However, we feel that all the mentioned above stylistic devices make a humorous, ironical effect, and we understand that everything is not so sweet and sincere in this story as it seems at first sight. Further on the narrator characterizes Ruth already from another side; the author uses the epithets â€Å"stupid† and â€Å"scheming† and the simile â€Å"as hard as nails†, so that we see her false nature and the narrator’s negative attitude to her.Indeed, this woman was not so helpless, defenseless and poor, but rather cunning and artful; she used her pathetic appearance and various tricks in order to achieve her purposes, to arose Roger’s compassion and in the long run to m arry him. The author gives us to comprehend that Ruth just wanted to seem helpless and poor, but indeed she was not. As for Roger, he, on a sudden, fell out of love. The phrase â€Å"on a sudden† supposes that this was not a deep, sincere feeling, but just a shallow, surface passion.Now Roger realized what the sort of woman he had to deal with. Of course, he already did not want to merry her. But it was awkward for a man to jilt a woman and in order not to get a bad reputation he needed Ruth to release him by herself. That is why he thought over one scheme. He said Ruth nothing about that change in his feelings. He remained attentive to all her wishes, he took her to dine at restaurants, he sent her flowers, he was sympathetic and charming. And they arranged to marry as soon as they found a house that suited them. Then the house-hunting began.They examined a great number of houses, but Roger always found a fault that made a house unsuitable. He said he couldn’t bear to ask his dear Ruth to live in any but the perfect house. The narrator says: â€Å"Sometimes they were too large and sometimes they were too small, sometimes they were too far from the centre of things and sometimes they were too close; sometimes they were too expensive and sometimes they wanted too many repairs; sometimes they were too stuffy and sometimes they were too airy; sometimes they were too dark and sometimes they were too bleak†.The author deliberately uses parallel constructions to emphasize the duration of the similar actions. The author ironically depicts how long they were looking for a suitable house, how many houses they examined and inspected, and how tiresome and tiring was this business. It was obvious that Roget was trying Ruth’s patience and was waiting for her to be the first to break their relations. Of course, Ruth guessed his plan and finally lost her patience. Ruth’s letter to Roger is the climax of the story, because all the events pre ceding this one have been tensing the atmosphere.Her letter, where she informed Roger she was going to merry another man, was the final point in their relationships. So Roger reached his aim. As for me, I sympathize with none of them. I think they make a pair: Ruth had a scheme to marry him, Roger had a scheme to escape. They lied to each other, they tricked each other. I think the main idea the author wanted to bring to us is the importance of being honest. He reminds that one should stay honest to a person, even if one has fallen out of love with. But the relations based on trickery and scheming are doomed from the beginning.

Monday, July 29, 2019

PLANNING (DB) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

PLANNING (DB) - Essay Example The next step they have done is to make use of the specific strategy and the organization uses the Porters strategy. The Porter strategy focus on the following; the Broad scope strategy which includes cost leadership strategy and the Differentiation strategy. VEHK focuses on its low cost producer in an industry for a given level of quality and for the development of a product or services that offer unique attributes that are valued by customers and that customers perceive to be better than or different from the products of the competition. As stated above one of the effective goal setting should have an agreement among the leadership on the values and beliefs that are the foundation of the strategic plan. To be able to implement a certain strategy the project manager or the one handling the said organization should have a great belief and knowledge on the strategy to be implement. In Virgin Experience Hong Kong the leadership is important since it is implementing the Porter Strategy which includes Strategy Leadership. It was also mentioned that in making goals the organization must understand the current condition both inside and outside an organization before starting the formal strategic planning. VEHK analyzes first the situation of travel market and the condition of its environment.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

The Debate on Executive Compensation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

The Debate on Executive Compensation - Essay Example Instead of the inverse proportionality of their pay to the performance of the firm, it should be such that the relationship is directly proportional to each other. Usually, the executive pay is a combination of the salary, extra bonuses, reimbursements, and shares on the company stocks. The compensation is given a stringent configuration to comply with the necessary legal requirement, which includes tax law, regulations of the government, the desires of the company as stipulated by the executives and the organization itself, and of course the reward and performance. Most important is the fact that the executive pay is always a subject of approval from the board of directors and meanings that the salary is predetermined before the actual performance of the executives is noticed (Bertrand and Mullainathan 2001, p.62). Different schools of thoughts have thus arisen over the executive pay by hypothesising on the motivating factor for the increasingly rising pay for the CEOs and two schoo ls of thoughts have been brought forth. ... The other thought process perception is rather opposed to the compensation level and asserts that it is a socially unaccepted phenomenon that is largely fuelled by the social and political order that allows the executives to self-determine their own pay and have absolute control over it (Chen, Liu and Li 2010, p.54). Thus, the payment of the executives is not a covert that is whimsically decided by the CEOs themselves but is also approved by the board of directors who also determine and give consent to the figures. Despite this, the economists are not persuaded by this and therefore maintain that the executives’ pay must be aligned to the performance of the company, without which it is irrational and unjustified (Bruce, Buck and Main 2005, p.41). In reference to the objective brought by the economist over the hefty pays that go to the executives even during the period of economic crunch, this paper critically examines the agency theory and explains why it is impossible to expl ain the compensation of the executives with the provision of the theory. Besides that, the paper also gives comparative approach of evaluation from other theoretical sources that consider the relationship between the principal and the agents apart from the agency theory. The Agency Theory This theory shows the connection that exists between the principals and the negotiators in a business scenario through managing the business affairs to the best interest of each. The principals in the case companies are the shareholders while agents are the executives; in this relation, the agency theory tackles any problem that may arise between the principal and the agent in the course of running the business. Thus, the agency theory is known to be instrumental

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Principles of Management Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Principles of Management - Research Paper Example The employees stand to obtain a better insight into the functioning of the company, due to this initiative. Furthermore, employees obtain a better understanding of the lacunae in the performance of the company, which in turn could motivate them to seek methods for bettering the situation (Dossenbach 16). Subsequent to the evaluation of corporate performance, the employee’s achievement in realizing individual goals can be scrutinized. This task should be so conducted that the employees are made to review their individual objectives and achievements. At this juncture, the employees should be encouraged to provide suggestions for improving their deficient areas. As such, suggestions for change that emanate from the employee, will be adopted voluntarily, in addition to engendering a sense of well – being and accomplishment (Dossenbach 16). It is essential to realize that human resources management is critically dependent on the motivation of employees. The individual and collective motivation levels of employees have an overbearing and direct influence on the persistence, level and direction of their efforts. This circumstance finds substantial evidence in the fact that the best performers in the corporate sector enjoy a workforce that is highly motivated (Gilley, Gilley and Quatro 129). In fact, the functions of human resources management are based on a thorough comprehension of the theory of employee motivation. As such, any motivational theory is founded on a fundamental understanding of the influence of intrinsic and extrinsic rewards on the motivation levels of employees (Gilley, Gilley and Quatro 129). Extrinsic rewards are basically motivational stimuli that are provided to employees as inducements for indulging in certain activities. Such rewards constitute valued consequences for completing a task in an exemplary manner. On the other hand, intrinsic

Annotated Bibliography Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Annotated Bibliography - Essay Example However, perceptions of employees and managers towards eLearning differ in small and large organizations. By taking on both large and small enterprises in Ireland from a number of sectors, the authors have conducted a research at how HR practitioners view eLearning, the level of awareness and results of eLearning in both the sectors. The authors found that eLearning has proved to be more beneficial in large organizations where greater awareness level is present. Moreover, use and knowledge of technology also determines the implications of eLearning on human resource development within organizations. Bullen, M.L & Eyler, K.A. (n.d). â€Å"Human resource accounting and international Developments: Implications for measurement of human capital† Journal of International Business and Cultural Studies. This article looks at how Human Resource Accounting (HRA) practice is undertaken in different countries like Greece, Canada, Germany, Portugal, etc. HRA considers investments made for developing intellectual capital as costs which reduce the profits of the firm. Lately, with the adoption of non-traditional modes of reporting and accounting, HRA finds relevance and place in this emerging trend as it helps managers in human resource decision making and strategy formulation. This article looks the adoption level and practice done in some major countries. Erasmus, B, Loedolff, V.P & Hammann, F. (2010). â€Å"Competencies for Human Resource Development Practitioners† International Business and Economics Research Journal, vol.9, no.8. This research paper identifies competencies- business, interpersonal and personal, required by HRD practitioners in attaining the desired level of success and satisfaction. The research was conducted on 1320 different sector South-African organizations to understand how well do these competencies apply to the HRD practitioners and how much are they satisfied with the current level of their skills and abilities. Hanna, D. (2010). â €Å"Organization Development and Human Resources Management† OD Practitioner, vol.42, no.4. Citing human resource development as the forces of stability within an organization, the author talks about the evolving role of HR from mere pay packages to caring and protecting employee rights. Human resource development adds value to the bottom line of the business and is the primary contributor to the overall organizational development. To achieve it, the author recommends steps for aligning HR and organizational development through team work, multitasking, staffing, empowerment, valuing diversity and carrying out a rotation plan for employees. Hassan, M & Yaqub, M.Z. (2010). â€Å"Strategic role of human resource development as boundary spanner† European Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Services, Issue. 19. This article underpins the theoretical foundations of human resource development with practical challenges and dilemmas of HR managers and practitioners in the ever increasing globalized and complex business environment. The authors emphasize on boundary spanning role of HRD by identifying its contributions to the areas of leadership, responsiveness, flexibility, decision making, networking, collaboration and other forms of informal and self-directed learning in the workplace. Keavany, T.J. (1983). â€Å"Developing and maintaining human resources† Training and Development Journal, July. This article discusses in ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1 ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY - Essay Example CCTV cameras are being used almost everywhere to keep a check on criminals and this has been really effective in bringing down the crime rate. It has also being effective in restricting people from committing crimes. People tend to commit fewer crimes when they know that they are being watched and they will be nabbed should they commit a crime according to Marcus Nieto, the author of the article. There are social norms which every individual is expected to observe, crime is consistently on the rise in our modern day society. When individuals or groups decide not to follow norms, this is when deviance occurs. This deviance can cause a lot of trouble, vandalism is also the result of deviance and it is without a doubt a criminal activity. This paper will shed light upon crime and deviance at public events and public venues. The London bombing was a crime which shook the whole world, terrorists entered the metro station and caused havoc, this has had several ramifications. A few people who used to prefer trains have completed stopped traveling by train, it has deterred them from traveling by trains and it has inculcated fear like never before in them. Crime at a public place can affect a person mentally. If the same incident had occurred at a theme park, it would have left many people dead and the others who would survive the nightmare will never in their life visit a theme park again. It directly affects the psyche of an individual and changes it for worse; it breaks down an individual psychologically. Quality of life is directly affected after such a disastrous incident, it also affects the economy. Vandalism for instance can severely impact an economy, the damaged property is very difficult to replace and is very expensive too. Attack on Madrid’s subway station is another instance which changed the perception of people once and for all. â€Å"The police always say that crime is being prevented and the rate of crime has fallen down but they are destroying

Friday, July 26, 2019

Vivid Description of Mother Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Vivid Description of Mother - Essay Example Whenever my mother smiles, the white, well-shaped teeth brighten her whole face when she grins. She has a well soft developed body of medium height; her skin is smooth, light brown and splendid. She has four boys and one girl thus we are five siblings; two of the boys are twins, my brother and I are the eldest followed by the other siblings. Her beauty is glimpsing, she is lovely and caring about our personal problems and spiritual arena. She maintains high standards of cleanliness and wishes that all of us to follow the same pursuit. She is a hard-working, determined, goal-oriented woman and raised her family as she carried on with her studies. Despite the fact that her studies were involving, she always had time the family. She is eloquent in talking and persuasive while presenting facts that convinces one to agree wholeheartedly with her without any act of opposition. She is an academically oriented person and rarely does she stay without a plan to pursue her higher education in spite of raising her family. She is a professor in Nuclear Physic, and she attained her PhD from the Surrey University in England. She has managed to go up the ladder and fought through the academic levels to reach the highest. Her primary objective in her studies is obtaining and achieving her self-esteem through the exploration of the opportunities that she faces. The drive towards her education and what has facilitated her pursuit of education from the lowest level to the highest level has been made possible by the well financial base that she had developed in the entire life. However, she had to quit the job at the expense of her studies. She has served many institutions that range from colleges to the universities; the University of California and Harvard University just but to mention a few.  

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Writing skills Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Writing skills - Essay Example I stand to be corrected. Like my previous writing essays, corrections were made to enhance one’s awareness of weaknesses and thus gives the writer a chance for improvement. As I now remunerate on the writing skills that were developed during the course, I was amazed to discover that there were remarkable improvements in all lot of aspects. I was more aware of grammatical rules, correct punctuations, word choices and the most crucial rules for citations and referencing. My previous apprehensions and fear in compositions were diminished as I became more confident in complying with writing requirements. I learned that like any academic endeavors, I need to make the necessary preparations, research, drafts, on the subject that needs to be focused on. Of course, there is crucial relevance in determining the audience for which the written work is supposed to be used. Finally, the sources of information for the essay could be overwhelming that I learned to streamline and determine wh ich are most significant in terms of screening authoritative information and those that could appropriately validate the credibility of the source. Most of all, I learned that writing is a skill that could be continually developed through constant practice.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

An eater's manifesto Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

An eater's manifesto - Essay Example We don’t realize that in the sizzle of our steaks there is the suffering of animals, the mining of our topsoil, the slashing of our forests, the harming of our economy, and the eroding of our health. We don’t hear in the sizzle the cry of the hungry millions who might otherwise be fed. We don’t see the toxic poisons accumulating in the food chains, poisoning our children and our earth for generations to come. But once we become aware of the impact of our food choices, we can never really forget (Robbins, 57). There are a lot of things to consider when it comes to making our food choices. One of the biggest nutritional problems plaguing America today is the issue of obesity. One of the factors is a high intake of food that is high in saturated fat. Our bodies can make all the saturated fat we need, so we don't need to eat any of it. That's why saturated fat can be in the bad category—because we don't need to eat any of it, and it has undesirable effects in cardiovascular disease. In the United States and other developed countries, saturated fats come mainly from meat, seafood, poultry with skin, and whole-milk dairy products (cheese, milk, and ice cream). A few plant foods are also high in saturated fats, including coconut and coconut oil, palm oil, and palm kernel oil. Saturated fats boost total cholesterol by elevating harmful Low Density Lipoprotein. Like all dietary fat, saturated fat also raises the protective High Density Lipoprotein. Unsaturated fat is much preferable since it lowers the bad cholesterol and raises the good. When picking what to eat, take into consideration the amount of cholesterol and saturated fat you are putting into your body. Another thing to consider may be, for meat eaters, where the meat is coming from. There is the issue of the morality of eating meat. Animals have rights, and no matter how humanely an animal is treated in the process, raising it and killing it for food remains morally wrong. There is yet the issue of animal cruelty. More than 16 billion are killed for food every year in the US alone. They are neglected, mutilated, genetically manipulated, put on drug regimens that cause chronic pain and crippling, transported through all weather extremes, and killed in gruesome and violent ways. Even so called â€Å"free-range† animals are often mutilated without the benefits of painkillers; kept in filthy, disease-ridden sheds; forced to endure long trips to the animal slaughterhouse without food or water; and killed in the same way as animals from factory farms. It’s important to know whether the meat you are eating is from a reliable source. In addition to this, the world’s meat addiction is poisoning and depleting our drinking water, arable land, and clean air. More than half of the water used in the U.S. goes to animal agriculture, and since farmed animals produce 130 times more excrement that humans do, the runoff from their waste greatly pollutes our waterways. Not only does raising animals for food gobble up precious resources and produce tons of waste, it also steals food from hungry people. Raising animals for food is extremely inefficient.   For every pound of food that they eat, only a fraction of the calories are returned in the form of edible flesh. The problem comes in when people stop caring about all these issues and just eat for the sake of pleasing themselves. While eating one day, I found myself wondering about the people who had grown the vegetables on my plate. What were their lives like?

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Electronic commerce Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Electronic commerce - Essay Example It has also resulted to a difference in the way the companies relate to each other. The increased use of the internet has been contributed to by the need to perform business on line (Baye, Morgan, 2001). Various companies have managed to place their products on internet servers, where they have managed to advertise even using virtual brochures. In order for companies to attain competitive advantage, the virtual market should be untapped so as to reach so the many internet users (Baye, Morgan, 2001). Electronic commerce is defined as the buying and selling of goods, services or information through computer networks using the internet. E -commerce offers new ways of doing business that no company can ignore. Electronic commerce has brought with it several benefits, and it is also extremely convenient. Some of the benefits of e-commerce include; shortened remittance time, companies have managed to easily promote their product, both consumers and the companies have saved on the cost; it has enhanced the provision of timely information. E-commerce has also ensured a consistent flow of information; better customer relationship, it has enhanced the customization of products, and it has also brought with it the convenience of doing business (Baye, Morgan, 2001). ... The informational strategy has proved to be productive for most companies. An example showing the use of this strategy is Insight Direct, where a discount computer cataloger marketing mostly to business, obtains only 10 per cent of its deals from its on-line collection; however, such a company manages to get more than more 75 percent new customers from the site (Baye, Morgan, 2001). Another strategy used in e-commerce is the on-line or transactional strategy, which normally uses an electronic catalogue of goods for sale. Those visiting the site can normally go through the catalog and purchase products online. Despite the fact that the informational strategy provides an electronic catalogue and ordering information, it does not enhance online business transactions. The informational strategy does not, therefore, exploit the ability of the web to be used as an interactive medium. The transactional strategy is what most consumers relying on e-commerce would expect. In e-commerce for a c ompany to increase its overall performance, it is essential that the company establishes a website. This strategy may have a disadvantage, which is transaction insecurity. Online transactions have proved to be successful both for the small and medium sized companies. Such companies that have benefitted using this strategy include; the Virtual vine yards and The use of the online transaction strategy has enhanced the growth of various enterprises; this is because the web has proved to be a potential money making vehicle that can be used in e-commerce (Baye, Morgan, 2001). The two strategies, however, have both advantages and disadvantages. The advantages of using the informational strategy include;

Monday, July 22, 2019

S.M.A.R.T. goal setting Essay Example for Free

S.M.A.R.T. goal setting Essay Principles for setting goals have been designed. One of the common and most effective principle is S. M. A. R. T. Goal Setting. S. M. A. R. T. stands for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely. ? Specific – It must be clear in the mind of the athlete what exactly he must achieve. Vague or general goals will not help the athlete. According to Locke and Latham (1990), specific goals contribute to higher level of performance than general goals (as cited in Taylor Wilson, 2005). In setting specific goals, sex questions are asked: Who, What, Where, When, Why, How. †¢ Who are involved in achieving this goal? †¢ What do I want to accomplish? †¢ Where will I accomplish this goal? †¢ When do I have to achieve this goal? †¢ Why is it important to achieve this goal? †¢ How can I achieve the goal? (Loo, 2007) ? Measurable – Goals should be quantifiable. In this way, the athlete can gauge his level of success. An athlete who can perceive his progress will be motivated to continue and improve. ? Attainable – Setting impossible goals tend to create anxiety. This affects intrinsic motivation and confidence adversely. Conversely, An athlete should also be challenged to maintain the stimuli needed for him to play the sport. The goal should not be too easy to achieve neither to hard to attain. Determine the level of skill of the athlete then set a challenging yet attainable goal. ? Relevant – Different athletes will have different individual goals. Just because a successful player set a certain goal, it does not mean that all team members should set the same goals. Assess which goals would enhance the output of which athlete. ? Timely – Set deadlines for each objective. Timelines create a certain urgency to work on the goal. Without deadlines, there is a tendency to put off the accomplishment of the goal for another day. Eventually, they would not be met. Team Goals Athletes in team sports need to work with different individuals. Each of them would have their own idea of achievement and success. Each would have an opinion on what the team should do and how to do it. Setting a team goal is essential in unifying individual intentions. A team goal would help keep the players in sync. Giving them one direction strengthens the team. Individual Goals Setting individual goals take a back seat in team sports. What athletes and coaches fail to realize is individual goals can contribute to achieving the team goal. Since the team sets the primary goal, the secondary individual goals should be relevant to it. Have the team discuss as a group what they would want to achieve together. Have them formalize this by writing it down. Then ask each player to come up with their own goals which they believe would help bolster the team goal. (Taylor Wilson, 2005) CONCLUSION Motivation is crucial to an athlete’s productivity. Both extrinsic and intrinsic motivation play a role in maintaining the athlete’s drive to achieve. However, heavy emphasis on extrinsic motivation does not sustain an athlete’s urge to continue participating in a sport. Intrinsic motivation, being more of a state of mind, is harder to cultivate. Yet, tried and tested solutions are available to a coach to foster internal motivation. The coach is tasked with identifying the athlete’s needs and meeting them. Having fun and feeling worthy are identified as the essential needs of every athlete. Fun in sports can be achieved in various ways. It is left to the creativity of the coach to come up with activities that would be enjoyable to the student-athletes. Self-worth and competence depend highly on how others react to the athlete’s skill. Affirmation and positive feedback are essential in building a positive perception of one’s worth and competence. Flow is an ideal state. Athletes have achieved this state and would understandably desire to replicate the experience. There is no guaranteed way or step – by – step plan to achieve flow. However, working on an athlete’s mental skill has proven to increase the occurrence of flow. There are four ways to achieve flow: focusing in the moment, eliminating distractions, visualizing perfect performance and building unconscious confidence. Focusing in the moment requires the athlete to absorb himself entirely in the game or competition. This can only be achieved by eliminating distractions. Negative thoughts should be pushed aside and focus should be placed in the present. On the other hand, visualizing perfect performance through self – talk can automatically put an athlete in to a state of flow with practice and training. Building unconscious confidence is done consciously. There must be awareness and commitment to build the confidence needed to succeed. Goal setting is another tool in cultivating an athlete’s motivation. Certain types of goals must be set for other forms of goals to be achieved. It is important for the coach to know which type of goal should be utilized at which time. Essentially, it is the coach’s responsibility to guide the athlete in developing himself both physically and mentally. In fact, developing one without the other would adversely affect the performance of the athlete. In the end, it boils down to the coach’s creativity, perseverance and his own motivation. Bibliography Burton, D. Raedeke, T. (2008). Sports Psychology for Coaches. Illinois: Human Kinetics. Garnett, M. (2008). Preparing the Succesful Coach. Massachusetts: Jones Bartlett Publishers. Higgins, E. T. . (1986). Activity Engagement Theory: Implications of Multiple Identifiable Input for Intrinsic Motivation. In Sorrentino, R. Higgins, E. T. Handbook of motivation and cognition: Foundations of Social Behavior Volume 2. New York: Guilford Press. Jackson, S. Csikszentmihalyi, M. (1999). Flow in Sports. Illinois: Human Kinetics. Jackson, S. Kimiecik, J. (2008). The Flow Perspective of Optimal Experience in Sport and Physical Activity. In Horn, T. (3rd Ed. ) Advances in Sports Psychology. Illinois: Human Kinetics. La Prath, D. (2008). Coaching Girls Soccer. Illinois: Human Kinetics. Loo, T. (2007). SMART Goal Setting 101: The Definitive Guide to Goal Achievement. Retrieved May 1, 2009 from http://www. synergyinstituteonline. com/detail_article. php? artid=374 Martens, R. (2004). Successful Coaching (3rd Ed. ). Illinois: Human Kinetics. Mauzy, J. Harriman, R. (2003). Creativity, Inc. Massachusetts: Harvard Business Press. Schenck, R. (1999). Athletic Training and Sports (3rd Ed. ) Massachusetts: Jones Bartlett Publishers. Schone, D. (2008). Motivating student-athletes: The who, what, why and how. JJ Huddle’s Ohio High. Retrieved April 30, 2009 from http://www. jjhuddle. com/news/articles/2008/12/19/motivating-student-athletes-the-who-what-why-and-how. Taylor, J. Wilson, G. S. (2005). Applying Sports Psychology. Illinois: Human Kinetics. United States Tennis Association. (2004). Coaching Tennis Successfully (2nd Ed. ) Illinois: Human Kinetics. Weinberg, R. S. Gould, D. (2007). Foundations of Sport and Exercise. Illinois: Human Kinetics.

Family Practices Essay Example for Free

Family Practices Essay Parents have the big responsibility of rearing their children in the best way they can. They have a lot of investment towards their children to bring them up in the most righteous way. Parents impart knowledge, values and even some of their known practices which they grew up with. There are so many common practices imparted to us by our parents. These practices revolve maybe on simple things such as eating together during dinner and saying a prayer before we sleep. Our family believes in the power of herbal medicine that would be able to heal our illnesses. Herbal medicines are kind of medicines that come from plants (Bupa’s Health Information Team, 2007). An herb is a plant that is commonly used because of its flavor, scent and medicinal properties. Many of these herbs are processed and are available in the market is various forms such as tablets, capsules, teas, etc. but there are still some herbal medicine that may cause threat is people’s health. Some may cause health problems and some may not interact well with other drugs (â€Å"Herbal Medicine†, 2009). The Western hemisphere has long abandoned the used of the herbal medicines due to the advancement of technology and healthcare that is able to provide a single medicine that will cure illnesses. Many people, professional and lay individuals, do not know that plants may be able to provide useful health benefits. The benefits of the plants are in the form of alternative and complementary medicines and many people consider it as irrelevant part of folk times (Ernst, 2000). This nontraditional health practice has been passed on my family through generations. Not only able to preserve our family solidarity but our health as well. References Bupa’s Health Information Team. (2007, August). Herbal Medicine. Bupa. Retrieved January 20, 2009 from Ernst, E. (2000). Herbal Medicine: A Concise Overview for Professionals. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann. Herbal Medicine. (2009, January 13). Medline Plus. Retrieved January 20, 2009 from

Sunday, July 21, 2019

ICT in health services

ICT in health services ICT in health service. Information technology coursework- 1ST draft Improving the health of individuals and communities, and strengthening health systems, disease detection and prevention are crucial to development and poverty reduction. ICTs have the potential to impact almost every aspect of the health sector. In public health, information management and communication processes are pivotal, and are facilitated or limited by available ICTs. ICT-Information and Communications Technology is a study or business of developing and using technology to process information and aid communications. ICT can be used nearly everywhere around us; at schools, in police stations, libraries, banks, weather forecasting, supermarkets and in health services. It makes our lives easier, by quicker and good quality research, by storing important information, and quick passing down of any information, in nearly every form that we want. ICT in health services is used mainly to achieve poverty reduction and improving health of the most poor and exposed to many diseases, because of lack of medicine, people.   It already have made a big impact on the health care by: Improved   spread of public health information and facilitated public conversations around major health threats. Enabled distant consultations, diagnosis and treatment trough telemedicine(an application of clinical medicine where medical information is transferred through a phone, internet or other networks) Facilitated teamwork and cooperation among health workers More effective health research Strengthened ability to monitor public health threats and responding to them very quickly Improved efficiency of administrative systems. ICT is very important in health services because improving health includes improving public health and medical   programs designed to provide optional, emergency, and long-term clinical care. Reliable information and effective communication, like mobile telephony, e-mails or video-conferencing, are vital elements in public health practices.   Doctors from all around the world may communicate with each other and discuss any health issues without leaving their homes or offices. Also, increased and more accessible information helps people with improving their own health. The use of ICT in health sectors have focused on three broad categories: Improving functioning of   health care systems, which includes management of patients care and records, administrative and ordering systems . Improving the delivery of health care through better diagnosis, training among workers, and supporting them in primary health care. Improving communication in health services, including improved communication between workers and feedback on the impact of health services and interventions. ICTs help with improving the health care delivery in a number of ways. Telemedicine is one of them. It helps countries deal with shortages of professional doctors through better coordination of resources and helps in sharing experience and professional development. Also, there are ICTs like radios. For instance, in Nepal, rural health workers may get information and support through the radio. They are given a chance to receive standardized instructions. HIV and AIDS are supported by electronic network and communication. Electronic networks are valid and workable means of providing learning and dialogue, highlighting issues and creating virtual conferences among those who cannot attend in person. A project in South Africa, Asia and the Pacific was created to provide electronic networking and communication, so that an opportunity is given for people to attend many conferences. In developing countries, many health workers involved in primary health   are isolated. They often work alone, and have little or no access to up-to-date information and chances to exchange experience with colleagues. The situation is starting to improve though, thanks to PDAs(Personal Digital Assistants)-small, handheld devices that enable workers to have access to important and needed information, store and capture health data. In Ghana, Kenya   and Uganda PDAs are very common. In Ghana, they are used by community volunteers. In Kenya, medical students were equipped with the small devices, that were loaded with relevant information about their studies. While in Uganda, practicing   physicians were given the devices containing basic reference material as part of their continuing medical education.   In summary, telemedicine provides benefits, like urban and rural linkages and connecting health staff to centralized health expertise. Phones and e-mails that are incorporated into medical practices can make a significant difference. Also, multiple ICT routes are used for e-learning in a mixed toolbox approach, eg. Using internet, SMS, PDAs, radio, printouts. People take in new information, ideas, and approaches in terms of their own local context and social, economic and cultural processes. They   adapt them into their daily realities in ways that help them better deal with the local situation. They have to understand the culture of another country and find out whether the treatment they want to give the patients is right for them, taking into account their religion, for example. ICTs help them with that.   They provide opportunities to encourage dialogue and social mobilization. Approaches that are being used for any of these purposes include: developing internet information portals, using mass media to broadcast widely, developing interactive programming on broadcast media and making more effective use of existing communication systems. Communication systems are already quite developed, still, though, they need an increase in effectiveness. We can observe the quick development of communication systems through, eg. GIS-Geographical Information Systems. These devices have a very important use; they help to predict and identify the spread of any harmful diseases. In many countries, it already had helped a lot. In Bangladesh, GIS data had been used to warn the health authorities from the spread of cholera in coastal cities. Communication systems may be developing, but there are three main barriers that restrain the successful application of ICT in the health sector in developing countries: connectivity, capacity and content. With connectivity, the issues are about lack of access to electricity,   high costs, lack of telecom policy or solar power options. With capacity, the problems are with ensuring that information are culturally appropriate. While content problems include lack of   local content creation and the language used. Although, many poor and developing countries already use ICTs in the health sectors, they still have to be developed, so there is two-way communication and the messages and information are clear. A good example is Namibia, where there were statistics made how Namibian doctors used ICTs to deliver health services to their patients. A questionnaire was administrated to 21 health service providers in two regions of the country, from one of which was rural, the other urban. All said that ICTs are very important (100%). 91% said ICT helps them interacting with other health service providers. The most common ICT is a telephone(36%), the next one is a PC (23%). The most commonly used channels of communication with patients are telephones followed by television.   Namibia has big problems with budgets and lack of basic infrastructures, like electricity or telephone lines. â€Å"There is a need to promote ICT use for health service delivery and also to stimulate patients to use ICT to acce ss health services and relevant information.† ICTs in health services are very important. Thanks to ICT health workers may make better treatment decisions, hospitals will provide better quality and safer care, people will make informed choices about their health, and policymakers will be better informed of any risks. Also, health service workers have to communicate between each other to help reduce poverty and help the poor. It is already achieved by telephones; SMS, calls, internet: e-mails, video-conferencing, but still has to be developed due to many barriers, like lack of telephone lines or poor access to the internet. Also, governments have to invest in organization of health services in their own countries, and, for example, bring the NHS plan to life. It will still take a lot of planning, evaluating and money, but the better the communication between countries and health services in different places, the bigger the chance of reduction of diseases, epidemics or any sicknesses. As we can see, ICTs may help very much in the health service, but looking from the other side, ICTs may damage our health. There are various problems with health that are consequences of the use of computers, watching television etc.   We are susceptible to stress, eyestrain and injuries to the neck, back and wrists.   Therefore every employer, every parent, every child must be careful and take steps to protect themselves and others.   While using the computer, we sometimes do not think of all the consequences and we do not even know how serious they could be. If the monitor flickers, you do not use a screen filter and do not take regular breaks, you can have a headache, your eyes may burn and itch. What else can happen to you and why? Back pain, due to the weird position we have while sitting in front of the computer, R.S.I. (Repetitive Strain Injury), which means your hand may be weak, swelled etc. The most common one, especially at work, is stress. â€Å"Many people are afr aid of computers, they dont understand them and feel they will look stupid if they admit that they dont know how to operate one. People worry that a computer will be able to replace them and they might lose their jobs.† These are just some reasons why people may feel stressed out because of the computers. The employer needs to provide steps to protect his workers, as the law (‘Health and safety Act 1974) states.   The law states that an employer must: provide tiltable screens provide anti-glare screen filters provide adjustable chairs provide foot supports make sure lighting is suitable make sure there is sufficient space for people to work train employees how to use work stations correctly ensure employees have sufficient breaks pay for regular eye sight tests for anyone who needs prescription glasses in order to use the computer. To protect us from the side effects of using computers, a science had been introduced, which concerns designing safe and comfortable furniture and machines. It is called ergonomics. It states sunlight is the best light but it cannot reflect in your screen, the desk should support your arms, the computer monitor should be at the eye level or just below, and the screen should be about 45 cm away from your face etc. Nowadays ICTs are our companions nearly everywhere.   It is extremely important in the health service (and not only), mainly because of the quick passing down information and it was created to reduce poverty and help people, but we still cannot forget that it can damage our health, as well as improve it. Important or not, we have to use ICTs wisely. Bibliography: Improving health, connecting people; the role of ICT s in the health sector of Developing Countries, framework paper, 31st May 2006. Improving health, connecting people; the role of ICT s in the health sector of Developing Countries, framework paper, 31st May 2006.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Fast Food and the Community: Does It Matter What We Eat? Essay

Table of Contents Forward †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 3 1. Fast Food and Obesity †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦....†¦..†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.†¦ 4 2. Fast Food in America: Low Wages †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.†¦ 11 3. From Waist to Waste †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 20 4. The Benefits of the Fast Food Industry on the Individual †¦.. 28 5. Building the Relationship Between Fast Food and Community ........... 37 Works Cited †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 40 Forward What are the implications of having fast food restaurants in a community? Information was collected about fast food restaurants’ contribution to communities through the lenses of obesity, wages, waste, benefits, and community relations. While there may be negatives surrounding the fast food industry, fast food restaurants do benefit the community in some ways. 1. Fast Food and Obesity America is the fattest country in the entire world and is getting fatter. Obesity is the second biggest killer next to deaths caused by smoking. In 1991, 1 in every 8 adults was obese; in 1999, 1 in every 5 adults was obese, which shows how America is becoming more obese all of the time. In 1991, only four states had obesity prevalence rates of 15 to 19% and no states had rates at or above 20%. On the other hand, in 2004, 7 states had 15 to 19% prevalence; an overwhelming number of 33 states had 20 to 24% prevalence, and 9 states had rates of more than 25% prevalence. The U.S. Surgeon General says that 61% of Americans are significantly overweight compared to in the 1990’s of 55% and in the 1970’s, where it was 46%. The question is, are these results a direct effect of the fast food industry? One in every four people visits fast food daily. With the average American eating 3 hamburgers and four orders of fries a week, there are several rea... ...y." Burger King. 13 Apr. 2006 . "Do What Tastes Right-Wendys.Com." Wendy's. 12 Apr. 2 . Farmer, Kevin J. Personal interview. 17 Apr. 2006. "Global Diversity." Yum! Brands, Inc. 13 Apr. 2006 . Hernley, Rosella. Telephone interview. 17 Apr. 2006. Monfront, Jeff. Telephone interview. 17 Apr. 2006. "Official SUBWAY Restaurants' Web Site." Subway Restaurants. 12 Apr. 2006 . "Operating Guidelines." McDonalds. 13 Apr. 2006 . "TacoBell.Com." Taco Bell. 12 Apr. 2006 . Tenwadle, Jonathan. Personal interview. 19 Apr. 2006. "Welcome to KFC." KFC. 12 Apr. 2006 . "Welcome to McDonald's." McDonalds. 12 Apr. 2006 .

Friday, July 19, 2019

International Organizations Essay -- Foreign Relations

According to Pease (2012), an international organization are conceived as formal institutions whose members are states and these are divided into two sub-groups called intergovernmental organizations (IGO) and non-governmental organizations (NGO). An IGO consists of states that voluntarily join, contribute financially, and assist in the decision making process. All of their members’ resolves, structures, and administrative protocols are clearly outlined in the treaty or charter. An example of an IGO is the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). First, all IGOs comes from an established government which can be further categorized by rules of membership which qualifies NATO because it is an alliance of about 30 members from North America and Europe. Secondly, IGOs can have limited participation in membership or restricted membership which qualifies NATO because this is a security agreement and it limits its involvement by confining it to an amalgamation of specific gove rnmental, geographical, and martial considerations. Thirdly, IGOs are categorized by their purpose meaning the member can be multi or general purpose organization and they can take on any global issue (Pease, 2012). This qualifies NATO because over the years the organization has participated in several international war related issues such as the Korean War and the Cold War. Most recently, NATO, for the first time in history had to engage Article 5 of the treaty after the 9/11 attacks in New York City and the no-fly zone in the country of Libya. The other kind of International Organization (IO) is the NGO which are primarily non-profit private organizations that engage in a variety of international activities (Pease, 2012 p. 4). They are able to particip... ...n order for the regime itself to be modified or separate altogether, the philosophies and standards that are the common bond between stakeholders will be modified. There are three main arguments concerning the discussion over the amount of power regimes have in the international system. The neo-realist argument is the first one where regimes are not merely considered as inadequate, but sometimes deceptive. This perspective is regarded as conventional structural. Keohane and Stein support the second argument, which states that regimes have certain worth, but only under particular conditions. Finally, the Grotian argument perceives regimes as an essential, secondary phenomenon feature of human nature. The connection of international and domestic stakeholders, through benefits, influence, standards, societies, and knowledge lead to the likely development of regimes.

Image Is Everything Essay -- Character Analysis,The Buchanan, Gatsby

Have we come to a point in time where image is everything? Where it depends on what one wears to show that they belong to a certain class or to prove how much money they have. People are wearing name brand clothing, driving expensive cars and living in mansions just so they can show off their money. Could they do the same for less? Sure they could, but then no one would see them as high class people if they dressed like commoners, drove cheaper vehicles and lived in regular houses. This has been the case for centuries. In F. Scott Fitzgerald's work â€Å"The Great Gatsby†, characters are suffering from this very thing. The Buchanan's and Gatsby are the higher class people who flaunt their money, while the Wilson's are of a lower class and function the same way for less. Dress is an important feature of all human societies. In addition to providing protection and warmth, dress serves many other purposes. Most of them having to do with communicating our identity to others. According to fashion expert Kadence Buchanan, â€Å"But human clothes have over the years evolved into a symbol itself.† (1). What we wear shows who we are. In chapter 7 of Fitzgerald's novel, Daisy tells Gatsby, â€Å"You always look so cool... You resemble the advertisement of the man,' she went on innocently, 'You know the advertisement of the man-† (94-95). Back in the 1920's there was a man on posters who was clean cut, good looking and sharply dressed. Known as the Arrow Collar Man. This is who Daisy was referring Gatsby to. Resemblance between the Arrow Collar Man and Gatsby is strengthened by Nick Carraway's descriptions of Gatsby: â€Å"His tanned skin was drawn attractively tight on his face and his short hair looked as though it were trimmed everyd... ...suit for his wedding (30), and he sees a bright new future out West in the form of Tom's coupe. Both Wilson and Gatsby are indifferent to commodities per se, but they make the mistake of seeking material possessions rather than themselves as the best means for attracting and keeping their women. Having money and wealth is not all its cracked up to be. One shouldn't have to buy fancy cars and name brand clothing and seek other things to make them happy when they are bored with what they have. You can take the regular person wearing regular clothes and driving a used car and he can do the same thing as the rich person driving the Jaguar and wearing Armani suits. Its not the luxury items that make a person, but the person that makes themselves. A person who knows what they want and how to get it and who works for it is far more valuable than any Armani suit.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Interpersonal Communication Application Paper

â€Å"I have never been the same person alone that I am with people. † (Phillip Roth) I can directly relate with this quote, I’m sure quite a few people can. So often, we act differently in private than we do with others. Of course, it’s all dependent upon who the ‘others’ are. For example, we may feel more comfortable being our true selves with our friends and become more reserved with colleagues. This is not necessarily how all humans behave, some folks have no problem being exactly who they are at all times no matter whose company they are in.I admire this quality when it is not coming from someone I perceive as obnoxious. Certainly, factors such as perception, culture, and the people we are communicating with will influence how we behave in public as opposed to private. Most immediately, I think how we perceive ourselves and how we think other people perceive us will influence our behavior in given situations. We’re all so different and ou r experiences tend to shape our personalities. Some of us are naturally outgoing and social, while others are more introverted and feel best without the company of others.Both scenarios present their own challenges and behaviors will be influenced by these tendencies. It’s generally very easy and preferred for the introverted personality to go through their day without the company of another, while a more extroverted individual might feel very lonely without another’s company. How these two behave in group functions will also vary. The outgoing individual will be very much in his element, and more likely to be cheerful and positive. An introverted person will be more shy and standoffish within the group.These are merely characteristics that go together, as presented in the book under the implicit personality theory. In either case, the behavior of the individual will vary whether they are alone or with people. And this scenario is a more natural occurrence. Sometimes s ituations arise where we want others to see us as something we are not and we’ll present ourselves in a certain manner that is not true to who we are, just to fit in or gain the trust of that particular group. When alone, we may let ourselves behave more naturally and feel less obliged to pretend.Cultures also influence how we behave in public and alone. Some cultures do not allow women to be in public without a headdress, while at home they are allowed to be more relaxed. In our American culture, Christianity teaches that women should be submissive to their husbands, so behaviors will exemplify this in a church setting or when out with church friends. At home, the wife may be the one who makes the final decisions, and the family will behave as such in that particular setting. Finally, the people with which we are communicating will impact what we say and how we say it.We communicate very differently when alone with our romantic partner, as opposed to being with him or her in public. The same is true for our relationships with parents, siblings, neighbors, casual friends or close friends. The words we choose and the tone that we use with any of these communications will vary from person to person and in private or amongst others. Every situation is completely unique. As a novelist, Phillip Roth presented many fine quotes with regard to communication. It was a good exercise to apply what I’ve learned from the text and be able to expand upon this particular quotation. Interpersonal Communication Application Paper â€Å"I have never been the same person alone that I am with people. † (Phillip Roth) I can directly relate with this quote, I’m sure quite a few people can. So often, we act differently in private than we do with others. Of course, it’s all dependent upon who the ‘others’ are. For example, we may feel more comfortable being our true selves with our friends and become more reserved with colleagues. This is not necessarily how all humans behave, some folks have no problem being exactly who they are at all times no matter whose company they are in.I admire this quality when it is not coming from someone I perceive as obnoxious. Certainly, factors such as perception, culture, and the people we are communicating with will influence how we behave in public as opposed to private. Most immediately, I think how we perceive ourselves and how we think other people perceive us will influence our behavior in given situations. We’re all so different and ou r experiences tend to shape our personalities. Some of us are naturally outgoing and social, while others are more introverted and feel best without the company of others.Both scenarios present their own challenges and behaviors will be influenced by these tendencies. It’s generally very easy and preferred for the introverted personality to go through their day without the company of another, while a more extroverted individual might feel very lonely without another’s company. How these two behave in group functions will also vary. The outgoing individual will be very much in his element, and more likely to be cheerful and positive. An introverted person will be more shy and standoffish within the group.These are merely characteristics that go together, as presented in the book under the implicit personality theory. In either case, the behavior of the individual will vary whether they are alone or with people. And this scenario is a more natural occurrence. Sometimes s ituations arise where we want others to see us as something we are not and we’ll present ourselves in a certain manner that is not true to who we are, just to fit in or gain the trust of that particular group. When alone, we may let ourselves behave more naturally and feel less obliged to pretend.Cultures also influence how we behave in public and alone. Some cultures do not allow women to be in public without a headdress, while at home they are allowed to be more relaxed. In our American culture, Christianity teaches that women should be submissive to their husbands, so behaviors will exemplify this in a church setting or when out with church friends. At home, the wife may be the one who makes the final decisions, and the family will behave as such in that particular setting. Finally, the people with which we are communicating will impact what we say and how we say it.We communicate very differently when alone with our romantic partner, as opposed to being with him or her in public. The same is true for our relationships with parents, siblings, neighbors, casual friends or close friends. The words we choose and the tone that we use with any of these communications will vary from person to person and in private or amongst others. Every situation is completely unique. As a novelist, Phillip Roth presented many fine quotes with regard to communication. It was a good exercise to apply what I’ve learned from the text and be able to expand upon this particular quotation.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Conclusion and implication Essay

Failure to mystify use of unattached sham-reduction schooling and measures of cognize effectiveness constitutes another(prenominal) general policy issue. It is whizz that assists to experience the ongoing UN-sponsored International Decade for innate cataclysm Reduction (Mitchell, 1988). In m some(prenominal) an(prenominal) places it would be potential to mitigate losings simply by putting what is known into effect. For instance, the value of warning and evacuation systems has been prove repeatedly yet such(prenominal) systems be practically underused.Likewise, hazard-mitigation schemes offer consistent paths toward trim down the long-term costs of possibilitys but they are often resisted in favour of minute post-disaster relief, insurance, and compensation programmes. Why do individuals and governments pass out to make optimal use of operational knowledge? There is no ace answer to this question. A large purget of factors are involved. insufficiency of agreeme nt nearly definition and identification of problem lose of attentiveness of hazards Misperception or misjudgement of ventures neglect of sentience of suitable responses drop of proficiency to make use of responses Lack of money or resources to pay for responses Lack of harmonization among institutions Lack of attention to correlation surrounded by disasters and suppuration Failure to treat hazards as cerebrate problems whose components await simultaneous attention (i. e. reciprocity) Lack of access by affected populations to decision-making Lack of reality confidence in scientific knowledge Conflicting goals among populations at risk Fluctuating salience of hazards (competing priorities) Public rivalry by negatively affected individuals and groups. cardinal all of these explicit reasons is a bigger problem. It is this society fails to take care of earthy hazards as complex systems with several components that often require simultaneous attention. We tinker wi th one or another aspect of these systems when what are required are system-wide strategies. Perhaps even more significant, we fail to address the condition connection between raw(a) hazard systems and economic investment decisions that drive the surgical operation of education and affect the potential for disasters.That such links subsist has been known for a precise long time If a man owes a debt, and the storm engulfs his empyrean and carries away the produce, or if the grain has not grown in the field, in that yr he shall not make any revisit to the creditor, he shall alter his write out and he shall not pay engage for that year. But mainly of the decisions that are interpreted to build new facilities or redevelop old ones, or to take on new production and distribution processes, or to develop new land, or to instal a myriad of other instruction goals are not currently very receptive to considerations of natural hazards.They must proceed so. And that is a task that allow require a great deal of travail by natural hazard scientists to go beyond the laboratory and the enquiry might or the field study place to obtain an understanding of how best to commit their expertise in public settings. It will also need the users of scientific information about hazards (architects, engineers, planners, banks and mortgage companies, international development agencies, and investment financiers) to foster a reciprocally interactive correlation with the scientists who are producers of that information. ripening is only one of the main public issues that overlap with natural hazards reduction. Others include environmental management public health warranter (personal, social, and national) and urbanization. All of them are major rip sets in their own right, each imitate by philosophical and managerial disputes and unsure issues. Efforts to work out commonly substantiative policies and programmes raise entirely new sets of trance issues for hazards expe rts. References Dombrowsky, Wolf R. 1995.Again and Again Is a Disaster What We Call Disaster? more or less Conceptual no(prenominal)es on Conceptualizing the Object of Disaster Sociology. International Journal of mass Emergencies and Disasters (Nov. ), Vol. 13, No. 3, 241-254. Crozier, M. and Friedberg, E. (1979) Macht und Organisation, Berlin Athenaum. (in German). IDNDR (International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction). 1996. Cities at risk Making cities safer before disaster strikes. Supplement to No. 28, Stop Disasters. geneva IDNDR. Maskrey, Andrew. 1989.Disaster mitigation A fraternity based approach. Development Guidelines No. 3. Oxford Oxfam. Mitchell, pile K. 1988. Confronting natural disasters An international decade for natural hazard reduction. Environment 30(2) 2529. Mitchell, crowd together K. 1989. Hazards research. In Gary Gaile and Cort Willmott (eds. ), Geography in America. Columbus, OH Merrill make Company, pp. 410 424. Mitchell, mob K. 1993b .Recent developments in hazards research A geographers perspective. In E. L. Quarantelli and K. Popov (eds.), proceedings of the United StatesFormer Soviet concretion Seminar on Social Science research on Mitigation for and Recovery from Disasters and declamatory Scale Hazards. Moscow, April 19 26, 1993. Vol. I The American participation. Newark University of Delaware, Disaster Research Center, pp. 4362. Mitchell, James K. and Neil Ericksen. 1992. Effects of climate changes on weather-related disasters. In Irving Mintzer (ed. ), Confronting climate change Risks, implications and responses. Cambridge Cambridge University Press, pp. 141152. Mitchell, James K. , Neal Devine, and Kathleen Jagger.1989.A contextual model of natural hazard. geographic Review 89(4) 391409. Myers, bloody shame Fran and Gilbert F. White. 1993. The gainsay of the Mississippi flood. Environment 35(10) 69, 2535. Parker, D. J. and J. W. Handmer, eds. 1992. Hazard management and emergency intend Perspe ctives on Britain. capital of the United Kingdom James & James. Showalter, Pamela S. and Mary F. Myers. 1994. Natural disasters in the United States as release agents of oil, chemicals or radiological materials between 19801989 Analysis and recommendations. Risk Analysis 14(2) 169182. Setchell, C. A. 1995. The ontogenesis environmental crisis in the worlds megacities The case of Bangkok. Third World cooking Review 17(1) 118. Wynne, Brian. 1992. Uncertainty and environmental learning Reconceiving science and policy in the preventive paradigm. Global Environmental interpolate 2(2) 111 127. Yath, A. Y. 1995. On the expulsion of rural inmigrants from great Khartoum The example of the Dinka in Suq el Markazi. GeoJournal 36(1) 93101. Zelinsky, W. and L. Kosinski, L. 1991. Emergency evacuation of cities. London Unwin Hyman.